- "The Atheist Experience" is a weekly call-in television show out of Austin/Texas. Every Sunday afternoon two atheists debate people on the phone for one hour - on camera. The show has been on for 17 years and developed from a local oddity to a nationwide internet phenomenon. It is produced by public access TV and additionally streamed over the internet. MISSION CONTROL TEXAS portrays the show, its protagonists and the discussions between hosts and callers. The debates between believers and sceptics are hilariously funny, touching and shocking at the same time. The film is an intimate, concentrated and entertaining insight into the culture wars. And it gives us an idea what it means to be an atheist in the southern U.S. today. MISSION CONTROL TEXAS also shows religious life in Texas - and how it permeates almost every aspect of the public sphere: We do not only see church signs and crosses everywhere, but we enter the domains of faith (and politics): We visit small churches from various denominations - and big ones like Joel Osteen's "Lakewood Church" in Houston. We watch the prayers before Rodeos and Nascar Races, visit Republican party rallies, observe a crucifixion scene on Easter Sunday, follow a 12 year old girl through her "salvation" at a small Baptist church and get a glimpse behind the scenes of David Barton's "WallBuilders live" radio show. Finally both sides meet directly and we understand why it can be scary to be an atheist in Texas.
EDN Member
Ingo Fliess
Finished Film