- Hugo Blanco, Deep River
- „The “Peruvian Che Guevara” – thus was the man labeled who led Peruvian farmers in their battle against landowners in the 1960s. Half a century ago, with the slogan “Land or Death” and as in other parts of South America, a rebellion against social and economic oppression was sparked in Peru. The face of Hugo Blanco – a charismatic young man with a black beard who led local villagers in their battle – made the front page after he was arrested for attacking a police station. 50 years later the maker of this visually impressive film met with the legendary guerrilla leader. During his imprisonment, Hugo’s black beard turned white and the Trotsky-inspired opinions of his youth took on more realistic contours. But nothing has changed about Hugo’s determination to join in the battle against iniquity and injustice at all times“. (One World Film Festival review)
EDN Member
Malena Martínez Cabrera
Finished Film