- Felipe, come back (Felipe, vuelve)
- After travelling back to the downfallen ex-hacienda of her family in the Peruvian Andes to film a character of her childhood, Male finds out that Felipe Valer, the last country worker, has been fired after 29 years of unpaid work. Felipe, an indigenous worker engaged under a colonial time likely customary contract is „one of those persons who fades from my country’s memory like dust in the wind“. Male will have to find him with the help of her mother, who wants Felipe back. 2009 Felipe, come back 67’ (4° Festival Transcinema 2016, Retrospective of the cinema of Cuzco. Re-Memoria del Cine Cusqueño; IX Muestra de Documental Independiente Peruano 2010; Festival de Cine de Lima 2010 ; Festival Lima Independiente 2011, Festival of New Peruvian Films, New York, 2012, Festival Surrealidades de Colombia 2010 (Oficial selection), etc. ) Script/Camera/Editing FB:
EDN Member
Malena Martínez Cabrera
Finished Film
FILM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mDwMpVXHtM
FILM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mDwMpVXHtM