- Adrift
- Alex Bellini A man living on a melting iceberg. Alone. April 2015. An helicopter flies over the arctic sea and touches ground on a recently formed iceberg out of the coast of West Greenland. It drops a small survival unit on the ice surface and a man: it’s Alex Bellini and his home for the next year. Alex is a caring husband, a father of two young daughters, but also a man of adventure. He did something incredible in his life: crossed oceans on a row boat, walked through Morocco in summer and Alaska in winter, ran from Los Angeles to New York. The call for adventure is strong in his heart, but he realized that, having a family, he will not be able to live the life of the extreme traveller for long. He wants to close his career with a last great challenge, not just something for his fame and glory, but for all of us, for the environment. Living on a dying iceberg until it will melt will show us how fragile our world is. Though his fragility, fighting alone for his life for one year, we’ll discover our fragility.
EDN Member
Aurelio Laino
In Development