The EDN Financing Guide 2017 is Out
The EDN Financing Guide is the most cost effective tool for documentary professionals. In addition to the extensive global overview of broadcasters, funds and distributors, the 2017 edition of the documentary guide further includes an overview of co-production possibilities in 30 European countries.
The new EDN Financing Guide 2017
The EDN Financing Guide continues to be the leading and most extensive documentary funding guide available. For a lower price than any other documentary funding tool on the market, the guide provides more detailed information on broadcasters, more key people listed and more funding opportunities.
In The EDN Financing Guide you will find detailed information on:
• 900+ comm. editors & buyers
• 450+ documentary strands
• 350+ documentary departments
• 350+ distributors (online version only) & VOD platforms
• 250+ film funds
The EDN Financing Guide is continuously updated and improved to fit the needs of directors, producers, distributors and agents working on the international documentary market. The 2017 edition further includes a quick guide to co-production possibilities in 30 European countries with a focus on film funds and broadcasters.
In addition to the hardcopy version, a searchable edition of The EDN Financing Guide is also available online, making it possible to locate the contacts you need via a quick search. Getting access to the online and printed EDN Financing Guide is included in a regular EDN membership. Apart from having access to the online and printed guide, members also benefit from the many valuable EDN membership services. For an overview of our membership fees and to join EDN, please visit the following link:
An extensive selection of the funding details is available in the printed version of The EDN Financing Guide, which you can also choose to purchase separately by contacting EDN via .
The EDN Financing Guide is a tool recommended by leading industry professionals. Here you can see a list with our EDN Financing Guide Advocates:
Cover of the 2017 edition
Background on The EDN Financing Guide
For more than 20 years The EDN Financing Guide has been the leading documentary funding guide. Since 1993 the guide has set the industry standard when it comes to providing documentary professionals with the detailed information needed to navigate in the evolving global landscape of documentary production, where new approaches to funding and distribution have become increasingly important.
Sections in The EDN Financing Guide include:
- • BROADCASTERS: detailed profiles of broadcasters acquiring documentaries; this includes contact details on relevant commissioning editors and buyers
- • DISTRIBUTORS (online version only): info on leading international documentary distributors and sales agents covering cinema, broadcasting, non-commercial, educational and DVD
- • VOD: info on Video on Demand (VOD) platforms selling documentaries
- • FUNDS: information on funds and public support aimed at international documentary development, co - production and distribution.
- • CROWD FUNDING: providing an overview of relevant tools and platforms available for crowd funding and crowd sourcing documentary projects
Here you can find out more about The EDN Financing Guide 2017:
EDN members, including those who recently joined, will receive the new version of the hardcopy guide throughout December 2016/January 2017. If you have signed up in the past weeks and did not receive a guide yet, it's because we have stopped the delivery of outdated guides in favor of sending you the new updated version as soon as possible.