EDN Member Discount on Industry Accreditations for CPH:DOX
CPH:DOX – Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival and EDN are now offering EDN members a discount of over EUR 60,00 on industry accreditations for the upcoming edition of CPH:DOX.
CPH:DOX is one of the largest documentary film festivals in the world. The next edition of the festival takes place from March 15-25, 2018. For this upcoming edition, EDN members are eligible for a discount of DKK 500,00 (Danish Kroner, approx. EUR 68,00) on industry accreditations. The normal fee for accreditations is DKK 1750,00 (approx. EUR 235,00). In order to obtain the discount, please go to the EDN member discounts section and make sure to be logged-in with your EDN membership account. Once logged in, you will find all instructions on how to register with the discount to get your industry accreditation for CPH:DOX.
CPH:DOX was founded in 2003 — supported by film professionals as well as the national press, the festival grew from 14,000 admissions in its first year to a record-breaking total of 97,500 admissions in 2017. CPH:DOX continues to develop and expand, presenting a program that ranges from the works of major international directors to new talent, from large-scale theatrical releases to film/video works in the field between cinema and visual art. The program goes beyond traditional boundaries between disciplines and media, offering perspectives on creative crossovers between cinema, television and media art.
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