EDN is Hiring a New Director
EDN - European Documentary Network is seeking a new director to head Europe's largest documentary association, headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark. The new director should be a well-connected individual with a clear vision for the future of the documentary sector. The designated director will start working from early 2019 onwards, replacing Paul Pauwels who has been at the helm of the association since May 2013. Applications for this position are accepted until September 7, 2018.
EDN - European Documentary Network is a global documentary association connecting hundreds of documentary professionals from around the world. EDN provides documentary consulting and informs about possibilities for funding, financing, development, co-production, distribution and collaboration across borders. EDN is currently seeking a new director to continue the successful course the association has taken over the past years, and to pave the way for a range of activities enabling EDN to pursue its objectives in the future.
Profile of the new director
In terms of qualifications, skills and experience, the ideal candidate for this position should have:
• an extensive professional network throughout the documentary industry
• a good overview of the current documentary landscape and how the market operates
• forward-thinking attitude with a notion for where the documentary sector is headed
• previous management experience in relevant organizations
• a clear vision for the development and funding of the association
• experience in fundraising and active advocacy on political, economic and institutional level
• excellent teamworking skills incl. profficiency in intercultural communication
• willingness to travel in order to represent EDN at international events
• profficiency with regards to English language skills
How to apply
Please send your application no later than Friday, 7 September 2018, with the documents listed below by email to Jörg Winkelmann via . The selection process will include an interview with both members of the board and the EDN team. It is further planned to announce the new director in November 2018. Applications will be handled confidentially and in compliance with GDPR regulations.
Documents to include in your application:
1. Motivational Letter (including your vision for the development and funding of the association)
2. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Statement by resigning director Paul Pauwels
Regarding his decision to step down, resigning director Paul Pauwels says, "I have no doubt that soon I will regret this decision, but once and again one has to let the brain rule over the heart. To quit a demanding but very satisfying job, to say goodbye to a wonderful team and no longer being able to serve the documentary community - that I love so much - is not something that I decided overnight. I could have gone on until retirement but I had to ask myself whether this would have been the best solution for EDN. In all frankness, I don't think I could give a positive answer to that.
When my contract will end in May 2019, I can look back at six very satisfying years during which - I think and I hope (the members will be the judge of that) - I managed to lead EDN through difficult times and install a new energy in the association. I did not do that on my own; none of it could have happened without the talents of the EDN team. This team is now confronted with a fast changing media environment for which a new path will have to be developed in order to be able to serve the documentary community. Over the past decades, the media have evolved step by step and it was a normal thing that those who had been active in them climbed the ladder and, at a certain moment, offered their experience to their community in a leadership role.
Today, with the media going through a real revolution, that kind of acquired experience doesn't hold the same value anymore as it once did and there's a need for an energetic person who has the talents to deal with the future challenges and to support the team in their work. Let it be clear, however, that I have no intention to distance myself from EDN. I hope that there will be a way in which I can still support the association and push it forward to fulfil its mission, even if in a less active role than during the wonderful past years. I look forward to actually paying my membership fee from June 2019 onward and I invite every single documentary filmmaker to do the same. EDN is more needed then ever."
More information about EDN is available on our website here.
This news story has also been published as a press release which is available here: