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More About EDN
- Join EDN to become part of one of the largest documentary communities worldwide
EDN is a meeting point for all professionals, who work with documentary film and TV.
EDN has hundreds of members from across the globe including production companies, producers, directors, distributors, associations, film institutions, broadcasters, universities and festivals. EDN is open for both experienced professionals and newcomers in the documentary field from around the world.
The key service of EDN is to provide information to our members on:
- - co-production and other kind of collaboration across borders
- - the international potential of a project
- - where to take a finished film
- - distribution
- - festivals and markets
- - the EU MEDIA Programme and other funding options
- - documentary training programmes
- - production contacts in other countries
EDN publishes the two market resources The EDN Financing Guide and The EDN Co-Production Guide.
EDN offers its members access to various activities such as workshops, seminars and screenings that are organised all over Europe. A series of workshops has been set up in the South of Europe to support the development of the documentary genre (eg. LisbonDocs and Docs in Thessaloniki). All these workshops are organised with the support of the EU MEDIA Programme.
When you join EDN you get The EDN Financing Guide, The EDN Co-Production Guide, full access to our web site, discounts on workshops and events as well as individual consultation on your projects. You can be next member!
The EDN staff
- Jörg Winkelmann, Press & Communications Manager
- Laimis Zelnys, EDN Content & Partnerships Manager
- Daniela Espinosa, EDN Financing Guide Editor & Assistant
- Kateryna Lybanieva, EDN Editor & Staff Assistant
- Jens Münchow, Financial Controller
EDN has organised and co-organised workshops, conferences and presentations in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Holland, Belgium, France, Ireland, Northern Ireland, England, Scotland, Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Serbia-Montenegro, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Austria, Brazil, India, Israel, Canada. Activities are among others supported by the EU Programme of MEDIA, national funding mechanisms. The EDN head office is situated in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Contact information on EDN.
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