The EDN General Assembly 2019
The annual EDN General Assembly
We cordially invite all our members to the EDN General Assembly 2019, which will take place during IDFA on Sunday, 24 November 2019. As in previous years, the location of the assembly will be: Compagnie Theater, Grote Zaal, Kloveniersburgwal 50, 1012 KD Amsterdam. The assembly will take place from 10.00-13.00 (doors opening at 09.30am) and registration is required in order to attend the event.
Please confirm your presence by sending an email to before 15 November 2019 at 12.00 (noon).
The agenda as well as the minutes of last year's G.A. and other relevant documents can be downloaded further down on this page (but please note that these documents are only accessible when you're logged in on this page with your EDN membership credentials). Further documents will be uploaded to this page as we get closer to the event, so please check back regularly.
For many of you this will be the first time that we will meet in person and we are looking forward to this moment, even though the topics on the agenda this year are a lot more intense than in previous years. To make sure we can have an efficient and fruitful meeting in the 3 hours that are available to us, we will send you additional information during the upcoming 10 days before the meeting. We strongly advise you to take good notice of this information package as it is relevant and imperative for all voters to be well prepared during the meeting.
The past year has been a very special time for EDN and absolutely a moment where EDN has put effort into evaluating and assessing its services & offering thoroughly. We welcome and invite EDN members as much as possible to be part of this process of reflecting over EDN's past, assessing EDN's present and shaping EDN's future together. We want to thank all members whom we spoke informally or formally during events for the inspiring, supportive and committed conversation we had so far. For the same purpose, the EDN team created a survey that has been very useful over the past months. You can find it here.
We kindly invite you to participate and share your thoughts: the survey should not take more than 2 minutes to complete. Of course you can also share your ideas through email at . We are especially keen to know what you expect from EDN including your assessment of EDN's services, details regarding your membership, the products and services you would like EDN to provide you with.
We also want to be certain everyone is on track with the circumstances around the change of management earlier this year. Therefore, we would like to provide you with a letter we sent on May 14th this year with many answers to a lot of questions some of the members had at the time (click here for a PDF version of the document). As some of the topics might still be of importance during the General Assembly, we think it is useful for you to read it
How to Participate/Register
The G.A. is open to all members of EDN but participants are required to confirm their participation beforehand. If you would like to take part, please send an email to so that we can create a guest list. Please make sure to send your confirmation until Friday, 15 November 2019 at noon (Central European Time).
Voting Specifications & Membership Requirements
Please note that you have to be a member of EDN in order to vote on decisions presented at the General Assembly. Only members who have a valid EDN membership (as of 15 November 2019) have the right to vote. If you need to renew your membership, please visit our membership renewal page. If you're a new member, you can sign up here. We kindly ask you to ensure that the membership fee is paid at latest on 15 November.
To download the agenda for the EDN General Assembly and last year's G.A. minutes, please log in with your EDN member credentials. In other words, you will only see the download option for these documents, when you're logged in on this page with your EDN log-in details.
EDN Contact:
Jörg Winkelmann