Meet the Execs at Sheffield Doc/Fest 2018
June 12, 2018, from 10am-2pm. Sheffield, United Kindom.
Meet the Execs is a collaboration between the European Documentary Network (EDN) and Sheffield Doc/Fest bringing together emerging documentary filmmakers and experienced industry professionals with the aim to provide advice, feedback and training for up-and-coming documentary talents and their projects. The submission deadline (extended) is 20 May 2018.
Taking place during the Festival from 10am-2pm on Tuesday 12 June, Meet the Execs is a unique opportunity for new and emerging documentary filmmakers to connect with experienced executive producers and industry experts for advice and guidance about a specific film project. Coordinated by EDN, successful applicants will be given pitch-training and paired with an executive producer for project-specific feedback and pointers on development, where to go next, and how to improve your chances of securing funding and distribution.
Up to 30 projects will be selected to take part in this event and the successful projects will be notified within a few days time after the submission deadline has passed. All applicants are welcome to attend the first stage of the Meet the Execs session in Sheffield, which includes a presentation on pitching by Paul Pauwels from EDN.
You don't need to have a Sheffield Doc/Fest Festival pass in order to apply to Meet the Execs. However, if your application is selected you must purchase a Festival pass to take part. Read on for more information on how to apply.
Meet the Execs is aimed at helping documentary filmmakers who are looking to secure partnerships and support for their next project in the international marketplace. We look at two things when assessing your submission - you and your project.
- Applicants do not need to have previous experience in the film industry
- You will be either producer or director of the proposed project
- Up to two people can apply together, representing one project
- Your project can be documentary, factual, specialist factual or current affairs
- It might be a feature, a TV doc, a series, a transmedia project or any combination of these
- Early-stage ideas are welcomed; projects that are seeking distribution, or completion finance, are not
- and we’ll look for a sense that access to the subject or story has been secured, and that your project has the potential to be realised in the current market.
Please note that there is a £10 (+ VAT) application fee that must be paid before you submit your proposal. You will receive a receipt automatically after payment. Please forward this receipt with the application attached. Any proposal received without proof of payment will not be considered. The submission fee has to be paid via the Sheffield Doc/Fest website (click on the payment button and include the receipt in your application).
In order to apply, you need to submit:
- A short summary of a documentary project you’re working on (max 250 words)
- A brief biography and full contact details
- An application that must fit on one side of A4
- and an attached copy of the application fee receipt (see SUBMISSION FEE)
Submission deadline (extended): Sunday, 20 May 2018.
Please send all of the above to .
Questions & Inquiries
In case of questions regarding the programme and/or the submission requirements, please contact Auriol Wyles via .
EDN Contact Person
Paul Pauwels
Here you can see EDN contact details