Lisbon Docs 2017: New Gateways to Your Audience
At Lisbon Docs you will gain a great
network of international colleagues
October 15-21, 2017. Lisbon, Portugal.
The 2017 edition of Lisbon Docs will concentrate on strategies to create top-quality documentary projects and on how to deliver them to existing and new audiences. If you are a documentary filmmaker with an international project in development, Lisbon Docs is the place to be. Lisbon Docs is a reference for professionals who seek financing and co-production opportunities for documentary projects. The submission deadline for this year's edition of Lisbon Docs was 30 July 2017.
The 18th edition of Lisbon Docs will take place from 15 to 21 October 2017 at Culturgest in Lisbon, Portugal. At Lisbon Docs, participants will be introduced to the power of new players in the distribution and financing markets. The workshop sessions will focus on analyzing the content of the selected projects and on delivering advice about how to tell stories in a way that will allow filmmakers to find an audience without loosing their artistic integrity.
Lisbon Docs is open for all European documentary professionals and has a limited number of seats for participants coming from outside Europe. Submissions are accepted from professionals, who want to take part in an intense creative dialogue and development process as well as present their project to potential documentary financiers, European television channels and producers. In the past, Lisbon Docs has proven to be successful in pushing filmmakers into the international scene.
The Lisbon Docs Forum consists of two distinct working phases: the first part is a workshop during which the participants are accompanied by a team of experienced tutors in the development of their projects. The second part consists of two pitching sessions where the projects are presented to a panel of production and distribution professionals, potential co-producers and financiers. Attendance at both work phases is mandatory. Participants of Lisbon Docs will gain a great network of international colleagues and get unique opportunities to introduce their documentary projects to industry professionals.
Lisbon Docs Flyer: Click for larger version
Overview of Tutors and Financiers
Confirmed Tutors
Edda Bauman von Broen | Producer | Germany
Tracie Holder | Producer & Director | USA | Specialist in USA Funding
John Appel | Commissioning Editor & Director | The Netherlands
Thomas Ernst | Film Editor, Story Editor | Germany
Marta Andreu | Director | Spain
Graça Castanheira | Director | Portugal
Peter Jaeger | Jaeger Creative - Distribution, Financing & Marketing Consulting | Austria
Christian Popp | Producer Yuzu Productions | France
Confirmed Panel Members
Depi Vrettou | ERT S.A. (Broadcaster) | Greece
Floor Komen | EO/IKON (Broadcaster) | Netherlands
Robert Salvestrin | Lucky You (Distributor) | France
Mads B. Mikkelsen | CPH:DOX (Festival) | Denmark
Lawrence Elman | Yaddo (SVOD service) | UK
Anna Ferens | TVP (Broadcaster) | Poland
Katja Wildermuth | NDR (Broadcaster) | Germany
Axel Arnö | SVT (Broadcaster) | Sweden
Erkko Lyytinen | YLE (Broadcaster) | Finland
Patrizia Mancini | Slingshot Films (Sales Agent) | Italy
Philippa Kowarsky | Cinephil (Sales Agent) | Israel
Bilaal Hoosein | Al Jazeera English (Broadcaster) | Qatar
Selected International Projects:
BEAUTY OF THE BEAST | D: Agnes Horvath-Szabo | P: Anna Nemes | BULB Cinema | Hungary
BRIDES OF NEPAL | D: Kirsi Mattila | P: Tiina Madisson | Icebreaker Productions | Finland
FIXING MORGAN | D: Cecilie Bandeira | P: Krisztina Meggyes, Marianna Vas | Match Frame Productions | Hungary
HWANGSA | D: Claire Sanford | Canada
IN PRAISE OF LOVE | D: Tamara Drakulic | P: Jelena Angelouski | Monkey Production | Serbia
IN THE SHADOW OF THE WOODS | D: Daniel Dlouhy | P: Jürgen Karasek | Le Groupe Soleil Film & Multimediaproduktion GmbH | Austria
INTO THE WILD | D: Anson Hartford | P: Hugh Hartford | Banyak Films | United Kingdom
KAPTEN KIDDO | D: Finn Vinter, Kristina Levin Vinter | P: Hanna Hannerz | Nordantill | Sweden
LIKE HEROES | D: Julien Malassigne | P: Jean-Baptiste Fribourg | La Société des Apaches | France
MAMA KUTI | D: Mark McLoughlin | P: Marcella O'Connor | Bang Bang Teo | Ireland
MOSES | D: Fran Guijarro | P: Angelos Tsaousis | Free Range Puppies | USA
NATALIE 123 | D: Simón Revilla | P: William Johansson | Laika Film & Television AB | Sweden
OPERATION GLOBE | D: Ariadna Seuba Serra | P: Guillermo F. Florez, Katja Draaijer | Rolling Basis Films | Spain
SHIT HAPPENS | D: Rubén Abruña, Marcel Kolvenbach | P: Valentin Thurn | Thurn Films | Germany
STALIN TODAY | D: Ketevan Nozadze | P: Ketevan Nozadze | Studio Ka | Georgia
THE ECONOMIC SPACE AGENCY | D: Mette Reitzel | Banyak Films | United Kingdom
THE L-TEAM | D: Andrius Lekavicius | 360 laipsniu filmai | Lithuania
THE SCIENCE'S DILEMMA | D: Victor Luengo | P: Pablo De La Chica | Salon Indien Films | Spain
TRYING HARD TO BREATHE | D: Marco Speroni | Nacne Production | Italy
WILD CITY | P: Olga Pakina | One Production | Poland
Selected Portuguese Projects
CIRCUS MOVEMENTS | P: Mário Gajo | Filmes do Gajo | Portugal
FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS | D: Pedro Ramalho | Até Ao Fim do Mundo | Portugal
VEGGIE REVOLUTION | D: Bárbara Tavares | P: Bárbara Tavares, Frandu Almeida | Bodhgaya Films | Portugal
Participating as an Observer
For the 2017 edition, a number of seats are available for participants without a project. When participating without a project you will take part in all sessions on equal terms with the pitching participants. Only exception is not having a concrete project developed and pitched. Participants without a project pay 250 Euro1) 2) for taking part.
Participation Fee
Each selected project pays a participation fee of 350 Euro1) 2), which includes one participating person. Other members of the pitching team pay an individual fee of 250 Euro1) 2). The fees are excluding additional costs like traveling expenses, accommodation etc.
1) EDN members receive a discount of 100 Euro on the participation fee for the first person connected to a project and 50 Euro for the second and third person of the project team (if attending with more than one person)
2) Associates of Apordoc are eligible for a 20% discount.
Programme and schedule
Participants and observers will receive additional information via email prior to the event as well as the official Lisbon Docs catalogue upon arrival at the venue. Please note that Lisbon Docs starts on Sunday, 15 October, with the first introductory sessions taking place at 14:00 in the afternoon.
Outreach workshop
- Top projects take part in the outreach workshop
In connection with the 2017 edition of Lisbon Docs EDN will organize an outreach and distribution workshop, which is tied to this pitching forum as well as 'Docs in Thessaloniki'. The new format will create a synergy between the two events by selecting the top projects from each forum and bringing them together in this post-event session taking place as an online workshop.
Focus for the session will be how the selected project teams can handle the increased need to combine new financing methods and alternative distribution methods with more traditional public funding sources. During the workshop the selected teams will strengthen the understanding of audience building and outreach for their projects in development. Through the online workshop the participants will:
- · Learn about tools for audience engagement
- · Sharpen their distribution strategy
- · Get individual feedback from outreach experts
- · Enhanced promotion and distribution possibilities.
The participants will benefit from these added values without adding extra travel costs and expenses for the production teams, as the seminar will take place online. The date of the workshop will be announced in this section as soon as possible.
Venue / Location
Lisbon Docs takes place at:
Edifício Sede da Caixa Geral de Depósitos
Rua Arco do Cego, Piso 1
1000-300 Lisboa (near the metro station: Campo Pequeno)
EDN Contact:
Jörg Winkelmann
Lisbon Docs 2017 is supported by the Creative Europe MEDIA programme