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The EDN General Assembly 2016

Sunday, 20 November 2016, 10:00 to 13:00. Zuilenzaal, Compagnietheater, Kloveniersburgwal 50 , 1012 KD Amsterdam.

EDN welcomes all members to participate in the yearly EDN General Assembly. Besides dealing with key matters of the association, it is also the place where members can meet, greet and have a dialogue about the future development of EDN.

The General Assembly will begin at 10:00 with coffee, allowing everyone to meet for an informal chat with other EDN members as well as the EDN staff. After the informal coffee the actual assembly will start at 10:30.

As an EDN member you are more than welcome to send us proposals for consideration to the agenda of the General Assembly. You are kindly invited to submit proposals for discussion and to think about activities for the coming year of EDN. Please forward these to the EDN office via . Proposals must be received by Friday, November 11, 2016 at noon (Central European Time).

After the formal parts of the General Assembly, there will be room for a discussion about the future development of EDN and about the outlook for the documentary genre.

To download the agenda for the General Assembly 2016 and the minutes of last year's G.A., please log in with your EDN member details. When logged-in, the documents will be visible and available for download on this page.

EDN Contact Person

Paul Pauwels

Here you can see EDN contact details 


See also other EDN activities at IDFA:

EDN at IDFA 2016






